Our partners
Hoog Tijd voor Andersom’s policy is based on cooperation. We work together with:
- Wilde Ganzen: fights poverty by supporting sustainable development projects, initiated by inspired Dutch people together with the local population. www.wildeganzen.nl
- Various Soroptimist and Rotary clubs in the Netherlands en Kenya. www.soroptimist.nl, www.rotary.nl
- SWAP (Safe Water and Aids Project) Kisumu, Kenya: aims to transfer knowledge about safe drinking water, a healthier lifestyle and reducing HIV-AIDS. www.swapkenya.org
- SEND-A-COW Kakamega, Kenya: is engaged in ‘family farming’ by giving practical training in agriculture and cattle breeding before donating an animal.www.sendacow.org
- EDUKANS Nederland: Edukans is committed to realizing the best possible education in developing countries, for children but also for young people who want to learn skills for employment. www.edukans.nl
- My Book Buddy: sets up special libraries at schools for underprivileged children in primary education, in developing countries as well as in the Netherlands. www.mybookbuddy.nl